How To Get Dog Pee Smell Out Of House
I had a cat with urinary issues, I know how you can become immune to the smell. I found Microban Disinfectant to be the answer. It has a slight mint scent but it's not a mask - it kills the odor causing bacteria. Your brother can purchase it at Marra on Jul 13, 2017
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Training your dog is the only long-term solution, OP.
I love my dog so much but it constantly did the things that irked me most. It would chew on things that it shouldn't or jump up and down out of the blue. Whenever I put on the leash, it would pull on it. Whenever it was out of the house, it would continue digging on the ground - I wish I could tell what it was looking for down there. All the things it did left me feeling depressed as if I failed it monumentally.
But since I discovered Brain Training for Dogs and applied the system offered, it now behaves the way a beautiful dog I always expect of.
Vinegar to clean up the fresh pee, then scrub all with.
Mop with and spray Pinesol.It is a disinfectant and the pine oil stays around to help with the smell.There is also a product called Out! that helps with the odor that can be added to the Pinesol that also comes in a spray, that is really good.It can be added to a carpet shampooer to clean carpets and furniture.This is in the pet section in Walmart in half gallons and sprayers.
I have found the only thing to do is throw carpeting away and for bare floors, seal them with paint or polyurethane. Since I have painted floors this was an easy fix. Emily on Jul 13, 2017
Once pee has saturated carpet, backing and into the flooring the only thing to do is remove the carpets and use a proper cleaner on the floor itself. Anything else is merely a cover up and the smell will return.
if he has carpet, it must be torn out. Then all subfloors should be painted with a Kilz product for odor control. Having sold flooring and owned pets for more than 20 years, I would recommend a solid vinyl plank floor such as Allure at Home Depot. There is no cleaner that will remove odor from carpet or subfloor. Subfloor must be sealed.
He needs an enzyme type of cleaner. Pet stores, even Walmart sell these. I have found vinegar to be a good deodorizer also. You don't smell the vinegar once it dries. If he has carpet it may have gotten into the pad and it will need help too. I found that if I put enough on the carpet that some soaks through to the pad and helps. We had a cat that had spots it liked to use on the carpet in the basement, and just cleaning up the carpet didn't do it. When it got muggy in the house you could smell it and soaking it good did the trick. With no more smell in the carpet she quit using those areas.
Locating the offending spot is usually the best place to start. Invest in a urine light (special black light) sold in pet stores for about $20-30. Turn off the lights and the urine stains will glow. A lot of dogs will pee "over" the same spot to mark their territory or show their superiority. You have to COMPLETELY get rid of the odor/stain or they will go right back to it. An enzyme product is best. And, yes, if it is in the carpeting and pad, you will never completely get rid of the odor. Also, neutered dogs don't mark as much.
1 cup peroxide 2 tbl baking soda 2 drops of dish detergent in a spray bottle. On rugs spray, wait and blot, on hard surfaces spray and let dry then rinse with clean water. Works on mattresses too. May need a few applications if bad. Carol on Jul 13, 2017
Obviously the dogs are not being taken out every couple of hours, that alone is a problem. Unhealthy for the pets as well as humans. Is the yard fenced? If so, install an after market doggie door so they can go in and out as needed and close uo at night so no unwanted animals enter. Then clean clean clean. Vinegar works well. Buy a bag of cheap charcoal and open and place a bowl in each room to absorb odors.
How long does it take to work?
I have used about 10 …cool whip sized containers, filled with BAKING SODA-all around the room...close the doors and replace every few can get a GIANT bag of arm and hammer baking soda at your local "big box store". Then keep a few containers in the room all the time to keep "new odor", away.
exterminator or exterminator stores have products that work
You must use an enzyme. Many carpet cleans have it. Or you can purchase it on line. KK on Jul 13, 2017
I use heated water, to dissolve the Kroger Oxygen cleaner-oxiclean, and i scoop of oxiclean/pitcher of hot, hot water. Stir until it is all the chemicals are dissolved. If chemicals are still at the bottom of pitcher the water is not hot enough-I use my electric tea kettle. Wipe down areas affected by the pea. I use the mixture in my carpet cleaner too. Works wonders to break down the pea smelling components.
A mixture of water and vinnnegar put in spray bottle but first sprinkle baking soda all over the carpet and work into the fibers. Leave this set for 2 or 3 hours then spray good with the vinegar mixture. I then mix 1/2 cup of Awesome cleaner in the tank of my carpet cleaner then fill with hot water and shampoo the carpet. You can get 1/2 gallon of Awesome at the dollar Tree for $1.00
Odors are an ongoing problem for pet owners; candles and sprays are temporary fixes, which have, to be replaced when they run out. You can transform your walls of your home into a permanent air purification system. Simply add the ionic paint additive by Air-ReNu with interior house paint and applying the blended mixture to the walls of your home. One treatment will last for 8-12 years eliminating all pet odors, smoking odors, cooking, and mold spores.
There is an enzyme cleaner, Kleen Green which you can get on Amazon. It's the ONLY thing that has worked. It's the only brand and I have 3 cats in the house. Gail on Oct 25, 2021
How To Get Dog Pee Smell Out Of House
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